Beatification of Sr. Maria Troncatti

Beatification of  Sr. Maria Troncatti

Madre jerál fó sai lia-foun kona-ba irmán Maria Troncatti nia beatifikasaun. Tuirmai mensajen iha lia-inglés:


Dear Provincials, Leaders of Pre-Provinces and Sisters

It is with much joy that I come to tell you what I have just heard from the Postulator General, Fr. Pierluigi Cameroni. The Pope has agreed that the rite of Beatification of the Servant of God, Sr. Maria Troncatti FMA, should take place at Macas , seat of the Apostolic Vicariate of Méndez – Ecuador , on Saturday November 24, 2012 .

The representative of the Pope will be Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints.

I invite you to praise the Father for this Church event, an immense grace that the Institute prepares to receive, and I ask you to pray that all the FMA and the educating communities may welcome the message that this ardent missionary presents to all of us today.

In preparing ourselves for the solemn Beatification, I recommend that we reflect in depth on the figure of Sr. Maria Troncatti and organise meetings and celebrations to make her known, loved and prayed to. It is important, above all, to help the young people to approach this wonderful missionary who, with active faith, courageous generosity and joyful hope, proclaimed and witnessed to all the love of Jesus.

We will keep you informed regarding the organisation of the Celebration of the Beatification, after we have made contact with the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints.

I greet you with affection and invoke on all of you the blessing of the Lord, and of Mary Help of Christians, whom Sr. Maria Troncatti loved so much and felt present in every moment of her life.

Happy feast of the Visitation of Mary!


Rome, May 29, 2012.

Suor Yvonne Reungoat